Lapahoehoe Beach Park, Hamakua Coast

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The Big Island, HI
Lapahoehoe Beach Park, Hamakua Coast
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Lapahoehoe Beach Park is a rocky beach park with so much atmosphere. Wispy pine trees move in the breeze while waves crash on the huge pebbles which rumble as they move in the current. Go to the far left side near the restrooms and climb over the huge pebbles so you're nearer the shore (not too close!) Then wait for a big wave and listen to the rumble! On the left side, you can also have a wonderful picnic in the shade. 

On the right side of the beach is a boat ramp and next to it a beach with small pebbles (occasionally this beach washes away). Here you can have a refreshing swim in the inky blue water. It's a joy!
In the middle area of the beach park there are pointy black rocks that jut out of the water. It makes for an interesting view.
The drive down to the beach park is quite long so plan accordingly.
After, have a meal at Papa'aloa Country Store and Cafe. If you can plan to come during one of their live music events, even better, because they have some amazing musicians! You can also buy a picnic at this store, to bring with you to the beach park!
Lapahoehoe Beach Park is on the Hamakua Coast, where there are many other wonderful things to see.

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Kids swimming at the rocky beach near the boat ramp.

Little girl on her dad's back.

Boy jumping on his dad's back.

Lava rock at the shore.

Black and white sand.

Beautiful headland and water rushing up to shore.

Swimming spot. Sometimes there is sand and sometimes not.

Giant pebbles on the mysterious left side of the beach park.

Creamy water dragging rocks back and making a thunderous noise.

Water crashing.

The colors of the water!

Cute little rocks that stick up straight.

Huge lawn on the left side of the beach park, and restroom pavilion.

Tea leaves wrapped around a post, for a wedding.

Misty rocks.

Stormy day at Lapahoehoe.

Looking through the trees at the wonderful water.

Looking to the west at a gorgeous headland.

Sea grape bushes and sea spray.

Having a swim!

Looking toward the mountains.

Water hitting the rocks!

The boat ramp is a nice place for families to swim.

Looking toward the east.

Families at the boat ramp.

The pavilion has green views.

Waves splashing over rocks.

Spray shooting high into the air.

A funny Christmas rock!

Wild boar!


Lapahoehoe Beach Park is located on Highway 19 between the 27 and 28 mile markers. There is a sign for the park and then you follow the long, narrow road down 1.5 miles to the beach park. There is parking.
There is no cell phone reception on the Hamakua Coast, so print out directions before you leave!
Papa'aloa Country Store and Cafe are located off Highway 19 a few minutes south of Lapahoehoe Beach Park. Follow the signs.


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Last Updated: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 12:21:05 GMT

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